free guitar tuition

Theory Made Easy - Part 1 Harmony

An eighteen part tutorial looking at all aspects of chord structures in music


Theory Made Easy - Part 2 Time

An eleven part tutorial looking at time structures in modern music.

Part 1 Harmony

Most theory teaching historically seems to relate to the piano and keyboard instruments.

I have designed this theory tutorial for guitar players.

Learning theory can open up music and the playing of an instrument in all sorts of ways - it will make you a better musician.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of what a scale is and that you can play barre chords.

In one-to-one lessons I might take six months to a year to present all the information contained here.

So take plenty of time and make sure you fully understand each lesson before going on to the next one.

Start the tutorial or use the menu below - use the 'next' button at the bottom of each page to go to the next lesson.

Part 2 Time

This is not an in depth and technical look at time signatures but rather an overview of the ways a working musician might break down the time element of music.

Not oriented towards any particular style - most aspiring musicians or songwriters should find this useful.

Start the tutorial or use the menu below - use the 'next' button at the bottom of each page to go to the next lesson.

Harmony Theory Menu

Time Theory Menu

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